
  • Zoom Player Free
  • 軟體版本 : 17.2
  • 軟體分類 : 57影片相關 (BD/DVD 播放)
  • 語言介面 : 簡體中英文
  • 作業系統 : Windows(含Win11)
  • 軟體性質 : 免費軟體
  • 使用限制 : 請參考軟體公司網站
  • 檔案大小 : 36.32 MB
  • 點閱次數 : 65,995下載次數 : 15,899
  • 更新時間 : 2023/7/14 下午 09:38:13


Zoom Player 特別設計了比例調整的功能,為的就是能夠即時精確調整影片於電腦桌面撥放時的解析度,你還可以任意調整放映區域大小及背景顏色、放大 / 縮小。除此之外,它真是一個非常棒的影片(VCD、DVD)播放工具,停止、暫停..等一般功能就不用說了,最特別的是可以:快轉播放、慢速播放、建立播放清單。
使用 Zoom Player,您可以立即將任何 PC 轉換為家庭娛樂中心 (HTPC) ,而無需專門的硬體或作業系統。

From Frank


Zoom Player 的經典媒體播放器功能是一個強大的媒體中心全螢幕界面,設計用於五個簡單的鍵(上/下/左/右/選擇)。五鍵系統提供簡單快速的導航,同時保持對高級界面的完全瀏覽權限,例如媒體庫、檔案瀏覽器、播放列表編輯器、顏色控制、音訊均衡器、書籤、播放歷史等等。

支援的影音格式 :

  • DVD ‧ BluRay(解密的主要電影播放)‧ Matroska (MKV) ‧ H.264 和 AVCHD (MPEG4 AVC) ‧ H.265 和 HEVC
  • MPEG2 傳輸 (TS/TP/TSP/TRP/M2T/M2TS/MTS/PVA/PVR /TOD) ‧ XVID ‧ DIVX ‧ AVI ‧ Flash Video (FLV)
  • Windows Media (WMV/ASF) ‧ QuickTime (MOV/HDMOV) ‧ WebM ‧ Ogg Movie (OGM) ‧ Theora (OGV)
  • Real Media (RM/RMVB) ‧ VideoCD (VCD) ‧ Super VideoCD (SVCD) ‧ MPEG (MPG) ‧ MPEG2 節目 (M2V/VOB/MOD)
  • MPEG4 (SP/ASP) ‧ MPEG4 ISO (MP4) ‧通用交換格式 (GXF) ‧ 素材交換格式 (MXF)
  • 媒體中心 DVR (DVR-MS) ‧ 攝像機 (MOD/TOD ) ‧ 數位影音 (DV) ‧ DVCPRO ‧ VP3 ‧ VP6 ‧ VP7 ‧ VP8 ‧ VP9
  • Motion JPEG (MJPEG) ‧ Motion JPEG 2000 (MJPEG2000) ‧ Flash (SWF) ‧ 手機 3GPP (3GP/3G2) ‧ FLIC (FLI/FLC ) )

支援的音訊格式 :

  • MP3 ‧ 免費無損音訊編解碼器 (FLAC) ‧ OPUS (OPUS) ‧ 高級音訊編碼 (AAC) ‧ Windows Media (WMA)
  • OGG Vorbis (OGG) ‧ CD-Audio (CDA) ‧ 手機 (AMR) ‧ Matroska (MKA) ‧ Wave Audio (WAV) ‧ SHOUTcast(流媒體)
  • Dolby Digital (AC3) ‧ Digital Theatre Surround (DTS) ‧ Monkey Audio (APE) ‧ Real Media (RA) ‧ MusePack (MPC)
  • WavPack (WV) ‧ OptimFROG (OFR) ‧ Shorten (SHN) ‧ 真音訊 (TTA) ‧ LPCM ‧ MIDI ‧ Apple 無損音訊編碼 (ALAC)
  • AIFF ‧ MO3 ‧ IT ‧ XM ‧ S3M ‧ MTM ‧ UMX

支援的交互式格式 :

  • DVD ‧ Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) ‧ Flash (SWF)

支援的圖片格式 :

  • PCC ‧ SCR ‧ RPF ‧ RLA ‧ SGI ‧ BW ‧ EPS‧ PCX ‧ PDD ‧ PPM ‧ PGM ‧ PBM ‧ CEL ‧ PIC ‧ PCD ‧ CUT ‧ PSP ‧ PN 

版本比較表 :

FREE MAX/STEAM  Feature list
- O Media Library JukeBox mode meta-data scraping for Movie/TV/Music posters, backdrops, still images, title, description, genre, cast, content-rating and more!
-  O Media Library YouTube (Channels/Searches/Trends/Playlist) integration.
- O Media Library icons displaying the content-rating, media format, video codec, video resolution, audio codec and audio channels.
- O Fully customizable Media Library Sound-FX system.
- O Media Library RSS feed reader.
-  O Single action audio device switching (e.g. speakers to headphones).
-  O Download subtitles through 'OpenSubtitles.org'.
-  O Torrent Download & Tracking through integration with the qBittorrent client.
- O Use XBOX 360 and compatible controllers as remote control with custom, user-assigned functionality.
-  O Remote Control for Android with Virtual Mouse-pad.
- O Custom actions when clicking 'Hot' screen corners (function/extended function/execute app).
- O Blu-Ray Decrypted Main-Movie Playback (with subtitles).
- O Automation user-selected action when connecting/disconnecting an additional monitor.
-  O Automation user-selected action when detaching/attaching a "2 in 1" laptop's display.
-  O Automation user-selected action when switching between tablet and mouse modes (win10).
-  O Thumbnail preview when hovering with the mouse cursor over the timeline.
- O Fullscreen media center navigation Password protected categories.
- O Customizable Mouse Gestures.
- O Display chapters/bookmarks position directly on the timeline.
- O Media Scheduler with remote TCP/IP network based programming support.
- O Automatically restore the previously active subtitle track on replay.
- O Automatically restore the previously active audio track on replay.
- O Use Direct3D PixelShaders to enhance videos with macros to easily switch between shader script presets.
- O Use DirectShow filters directly from DLLs (without registering with OS).
- O Remotely create and manage playlists without affecting current playback.
- O Create Mobile-Phone RingTones from playing media.
- O GuardDog (Auto-Restart if the player locks up).
- O Network Keep-Alive feature (prevent network drives from disconnecting on inactivity).
- O Scene-Cut Interface (Dynamic, Virtual Audio/Video editing).
- O Video Wall (Span Videos across multiple monitors using the EVR Renderer).
- O Non-Linear 16:9/4:3 video scaling using EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer).
- O Support for Local Configuration file (easily run different configurations/instances on the same PC).
- O Video Orbiting (Prevents screen-burns).
- O Auto-Execute external programs Running/Closing the player.
- O Extended Command Lines "/x", "/y", "/w", "/h", "/nCols", "/nRows", "/Col", "/Row".
- O Extended Command Lines "/browse", "/func", "/exfunc", "/config", "/multinst", "/seek".
- O Extended Command Lines "/datapath", "/winname", "/connecttcp", "/sharepath".
- O HTML Interactivity.
- O Flash Interactivity.
- O QuickTime Interactivity.
- O Copy current play position to the clipboard.
- O Fullscreen media center navigation interface with easy to use controls for both Home Theater PCs (HTPC) and Tablets (or other touch devices).
- O Fullscreen media center navigation thumbnail view with kinetic smooth scrolling and customizable content-based layout.
- O Advanced Smart Play controls (Create your own Smart Play profiles, select & configure custom decoders for each media format).
- O Fullscreen media center navigation Safe Mode (hide dangerous functions from inexperienced users).
- O Fullscreen media center navigation custom background images.
- O Real-Time manual audio re-synchronization with optional initial synchronization value.
- O Communication & Control API (TCP/IP, WinAPI's SendMessage or COM), supported by many 3rd party applications.
- O Windows Media (WMV/WMA) DRM Support.
- O Playlist Power Manager (enhanced search/playlist manipulation).
- O Control Zoom Player through a Web Interface (web remote).
- O Audio Visualizations (Sonique, Windows Media Player plugin support).
- O Mouse Wheel Tilt (left/right) support with selectable functions (Windows VISTA or newer).
- O Custom mouse click & scroll functions.
- O Password protected options dialog, preventing other people using the computer from modifying your configuration.
- O Blank Secondary Monitors (when switching to fullscreen or by calling a function).
- O Automatic Audio and Subtitle media file stream selection.
- O Play History (Remember Date, Audio/Subtitle Track, Restore previous playback position and more).
- O Play History Privacy (control how previously played content is stored & displayed).
- O Automatically restore volume level on replay with video files.
- O Automatically restore volume level on replay with audio files.
- O Share play history on a network path to resume playback from different machines.
- O Lock the On Screen Display to a region of the screen.
- O Auto-Execute external programs when a PAL/NTSC DVD disc is detected (prior to playing) and when the DVD playback is stopped.
- O Map network paths into the File Browsing Media Center navigation interface.
- O DVD Password Protected Parental Control.
- O DVD Trailers interface allowing you to play trailers prior to starting the movie.
- O Automatic Aspect Ratio, Video Size and Blanking depending on the DVD type (Fullscreen, Letterbox or Anamorphic).
- O Reload & Replay media files as they are being saved.
- O Closed Captions Support in Media Files.
- O Use any DirectShow filter as a custom Video Renderer.
- O Customize the functions assigned to keyboard navigation (up/down/left/right/enter & space keys).
- O Override the playlist editor's font with custom fonts.
- O Pattern Calibration System with White Wash Anti Burn-in mode.
- O Enhanced Screen Saver controls (Computer generated backgrounds, image slideshows and power saving modes).
- O Integrated eMule/uTorrent/qBittorrent file tracker (track download progress within the fullscreen navigation interfaces).
- O Customize the background image visible when nothing is playing.
- O Customize the background image used when playing audio when no folder image exists.
- O Add custom functions to the Task-Bar right-click menu (Windows 7 or better).
- O Extended Command Lines "/lockfs", "/tcp".
- O Create Contact Sheet (Thumbnail index).
- O Multiple Customizable Context Menus with extensive support for both DVD and Media modes.
O O No bloat, intuitive interface with a user-friendly design.
O O Skins for every resolution, including 4K screens.
O O Install Center application, capable of detecting and securely installing up-to-date decoders, missing system components and language packs to improve stability and versatility.
O O Support for legacy and cutting-edge Video Rendering technologies (Overlay, VMR7, VMR9, EVR, Haali, MadVR).
O O Windows 7 (or better) Task-Bar position coloring.
O O Windows 7 (or better) controls on the preview thumbnail (Mute, Play/Pause, Next/Previous Track).
O O 10-Band Equalizer with Digital PreAmp and Presets.
O O DVD Playback from Disc, Hard Drive or network connection.
O O Quickly jump between multiple saved positions using media Chapters (or DVD Bookmarks).
O O Go-To Interface to quickly and accurately seek into any position within a media file.
O O Automatically Extract & Play Archived (zip/rar/7z/etc) content.
O O Video Post-Processing (DeInterlacing, Sharpening, etc).
O O Play incomplete AVI files.
O O Play files locked by third party programs.
O O Powerful, category based Media Library interface.
O O Automatically play multi-part media files, including GoPro sequences.
O O AB-Repeat (Repeat a section of the playing media in a loop).
O O Choose from Multiple DVD Audio & Video decoders for improved compatibility and reliability.
O O Smart DVD Bookmarking tool, including auto-loading bookmarks.
O O Auto-Remember DVD position per-disc (each DVD's position saved separately).
O O Multiple DVD play speeds with adjustable speed values.
O O Preferred DVD language selection (Audio, Video, Subtitle and DVD Menus).
O O Auto-Save definition file per-disc (remember Aspect Ratio Video Position, Color Values, etc).
O O External DVD Subtitle Support (Use subtitles from an external file).
O O Temporarily disable Auto-Play to prevent other programs from popping up when a DVD disc is inserted.
O O DVD, Media, Audio and Media Center navigation skins.
O O Advanced media format support (multiple language tracks, subtitles and chaptering in AVI, OGM, MKV and more).
O O High resolution subtitle rendering on low resolution video using xySubFilter and MadVR.
O O Integration with Windows VISTA's Media Library folders (auto-mapped to Zoom Player's media library).
O O Start player window locked to Fullscreen mode (Hide the fact that your computer is your media center back-end).
O O DXVA (hardware assisted) decoding with H.264 and VC1 video formats.
O O Integrated image viewer (JPG/PNG/BMP) with Zoom, Panning and image-rotation functionality.
O O High Quality Icon library containing extension-specific system icons (used when the Player is associated with a file format).
O O Mouse Gestures.
O O Automatically load and display embedded/external background images when playing audio files (APE/FLAC/ID3/etc).
O O Fullscreen Virtual Keyboard (used for renaming files from the fullscreen interfaces and elsewhere where appropriate).
O O Extensive Playlist support ZPL/B4S/M3U/WPL (including native Unicode and UTF8 file names).
O O Smart Play support (Faster loading files, no decoder conflicts and smoother playback on less powerful computers).
O O Microsoft 'MMS' Audio/Video Streaming.
O O Multi-Format video streaming of media files or live streams over HTTP.
O O SHOUTcast Radio streaming
O O Definition system which saves and restores information on the playing media (Aspect Ratio/Color Values/etc).
O O Easy access to popular filter interfaces such as XVID/H.264 dialogs, DirectVobSub language selection, etc.
O O Fast Play support for most media formats (as long as your CPU can handle the extra load).
O O Fast Forward and Rewind support with all media formats.
O O User-Specified accelerated list scrolling speed (for large playlists and other content).
O O Quick 'starting with' or 'containing' keyboard searches of large lists.
O O Enhanced 'On Playlist Complete' setting, allowing control over what actions are taken when playback ends.
O O Auto-Aspect ratio compensation for badly encoded 16:9 (widescreen) and 4:3 (fullscreen) content
O O Manual-Aspect ratio adjustment
O O ID3, APE, FLAC and WMA Tag information visualization.
O O Virtual meta-data editor for both Audio and Video media files.
O O 4 Level Zoom-In Toggle (16.6%, 13.3%, 50%, 100%).
O O Windows Media Format 9 High Resolution Multi-Channel Audio Rendering.
O O Auto-Play Media CD/USB/External drives.
O O Bicubic, smooth scaled image slideshows.
O O Easily associate any file format, including an icon navigation interface that allows you to easily decide which icon is used.
O O Play random trailers before or after your Movies.
O O Multilingual (Translated into multiple languages) with Unicode 16bit Character support.
O O Basic and Advanced options dialog, making Zoom Player easy for new users while giving ultimate flexibility to power users.
O O Mute audio while seeking.
O O Automatic Skin-Mode Switching depending on type of content played (DVD/Media/Audio).
O O Dynamic skinning engine with full support for color-tinting.
O O Powerful Aspect Ratio controls, including support for non square pixels (Pixel Aspect Ratio), manual Fit-To-Specified-Area Aspect Ratio, Anamorphic Aspect Ratio and even a Custom user-specified ratio.
O O Easy control of Video Size and Positioning while in fullscreen, allowing you to position the video anywhere and at any size on screen.
O O Fully keyboard mapped features and dialogs, covering every function used by the player (useful with Remote Control, keyboard devices and HTPC systems).
O O Programmable keyboard editor, including support for chaining multiple functions to one key and Global Hot-Keys (keys that work even when the player is not focused).
O O Advanced mouse controls with customizable functions, including a wide array of mouse-wheel supported features (extremely useful with HTPC systems).
O O Custom Video Position, Aspect Ratios, Color Control and Image Blanking presets.
O O Dynamic Control Bar, providing easy navigation while in full screen mode, complete with user-selected on-bar functions.
O O Detachable Control Bar, allowing you to easily control player functionality from a secondary monitor.
O O 4xSpeed seeking (short/medium/long/very long) with customizable speeds for quickly seeking forward/backward within the playing media.
O O Extensive command line support.
O O Override the system-default Audio Output device and assign output to any other audio device on the system.
O O User specified registry location, supporting multiple running copies of the player using different configuration profiles.
O O Web URL Navigation system, allowing you to associate DVD and Media files with a URL or local information file.
O O Fully Multi-Monitor compliant with powerful multi-monitor features.
O O Multiple Skin-Modes within a single skin (default/small/minmalistic/frame-only/etc).
O O Docking user interface elements to Window Borders and Advanced Magnetic Docking capabilities.
O O Translucent user interface (Requires Windows Vista or newer with the Aero interface enabled).
O O DVB Support using DCoder's DC-DVB filter, including tuning and time shifting.
O O Change screen resolution when going into fullscreen and restore when leaving fullscreen.
O O Screenshot support in JPG, PNG and BMP formats.
O O LIRC Remote Control support.
O O Shortcut File Parsing for easy redirection of DVD and Media content from a centralized location.
O O Blanking feature used to cover up non-black area of encoded Video (useful when playing widescreen DVDs or badly encoded media files).
O O Girder Command file export for maximum control through a remote device and System Automation.
O O Event Ghost support for maximum control through a remote device and System Automation.
O O Full support for GraphEdit ".GRF" files.
O O Backward (Windows 98) and Forward compatible with all versions of windows running on Intel processors.


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